Dog Lover Rescue requires a minimum of 3 week decompression period. This is a chance for everything new in the home- people, pets, sounds, smells, routines, etc to become a "non-event," for the new dog and also, the current residents. It's an opportunity all dogs deserve to quietly and slowly acclimate to their new world. It is a time for the new dog to adjust to what can be initially, fear or anxiety- inducing, confusing or overwhelming. This is a time to observe and trust they are in a safe and loving new home. Dogs need a chance to decompress, before injecting all the new stimuli into their world and then expecting them to react a certain way to it. While it is great to begin training and working with the dog as soon as possible so that they can build the bond with their new mom or dad, it is also imperative to be patient, calm and very rewarding during this time to encourage a smooth adjustment and not further overwhelm the dog with unreasonable expectations when their world is still so new. I have to remind everyone, this new family member will be a different dog day 1 and day 30, day 60 and day 90! Every dog deserves this commitment. Patience, love and consistency work wonders! It is a systematic approach to setting these beloved dogs up for a successful transition and beginning their new lives in their new homes! It is such a small ask, when it comes to a forever together! And it is worth every ounce of effort!
Copyright © 2023 Dog Lover Rescue - All Rights Reserved.
We have taken on more medical & urgent cases, as the rescue crisis is at its worst in decades. Dogs are being euthanized at alarming rates in our country and many sit suffering alone, in the back of shelters and on the streets, until their last breath. Please help so we can continue our mission! We pay to save, pay for emergency vetting, pay to keep them alive, pay to get them into homes and out of the shelters. Any way you cut it, we are paying and very much in the RED, so please, anything helps! Thank You, from all the rescues at DLR!